Trestle Community Management today announced the promotion of Kristen Ledbetter, CMCA, AMS from Senior Community Manager to Advisory Community Manager.

Trestle’s Advisory Community Managers and Practice Directors are required to have the most highly developed Community Management experience and skills in the industry.  The role is reserved only for the most elite, exceptionally experienced, and credentialed people within the industry, who can bring advanced skills to the Practice area to serve Trestle Clients in an advisory capacity.

“Having earned Community Manager of the Year in 2019 by the Community Associations Institute and the impact she has made in two years developing our Mid-rise, High-rise and Estate Practice, Kristen has proven she has the elite skills and capabilities to serve as an Advisory Community Manager for Trestle Community Management,” said Bob Brencic, President of Trestle Community Management.  “I am excited to have a high quality person like Kristen leading Trestle’s efforts in such a key role for the company.”

Kristen joined Trestle in 2018, bringing with her 13 years of Community Management experience. Recognized for her in-depth knowledge of mid-rise, high-rise and estate condominiums, Kristen is well-positioned to serve as an Advisory Community Manager for Trestle Community Management, overseeing the firm’s Mid-rise, High-rise & Estate Practice.

She has earned her Certified Manager of Community Associations (CMCA) and Association Management Specialist (AMS) credentials and is working toward her Professional Community Association Manager (PCAM) designation while continuing to speak at events for the Washington State Chapter of Community Association Institute (WSCAI).

Please contact Bob Brencic, President of Trestle Community Management, at or Kristen Ledbetter, Advisory Community Manager and Mid-rise, High-rise & Estate Practice Leader, at, or (425) 559-7638 for additional details.