Community resources and buildings don't maintain themselves! HOAs are responsible for keeping pools, playgrounds, fitness facilities, and other common areas and facilities in excellent condition for residents' use. However, finding the right experts to tackle maintenance and repair can be challenging when keeping a budget and homeowners association fees in mind.

When hiring a maintenance company for your homeowners or community association, board members need to consider a few key things. Here are four expert tips to help make the process go as smoothly as possible (while keeping homeowners happy)!

Why HOA Boards Are Responsible for Community Maintenance

While residents are responsible for keeping homes or condos in excellent condition (per the community's covenants), condo association boards must take on the responsibility of maintaining community areas.

When benefits like neighborhood parks, the pool, an event building, or the fitness center fall into disrepair, residents might start complaining about how the board uses their HOA dues and why the facilities they pay for need repairs.

Unless you have a maintenance technician on staff within the community, the board must find a vendor they can rely on to keep community facilities in excellent condition while staying within the budget.

1. Determine Your Community's Needs

If you manage a small community, you might not have a lot of common areas that need routine and proactive upkeep or prompt repairs when something breaks. However, every homeowners association has at least a few areas that require routine maintenance to stay in excellent condition.

Before hiring a third party that might not be the right fit (or the right price), make a list of your association's needs regarding maintenance that your HOA's maintenance budget can fund. Include playground equipment, pool equipment, walkways, lighting, common-use buildings, and any structure that residents aren't responsible for maintaining as their private property.

2. Weigh the Options of Hiring Someone Onsite Vs. Outsourcing

Depending on the size of your association and the documented needs, it can be more cost-effective and better for the community to hire someone as a part-time or full-time maintenance coordinator. This person would handle all repairs and coordinate significant maintenance needs with other professionals, like a pool company or HVAC technician.

Cleaning the sports pool with a cleaning water pump

However, if your association doesn't have the funds for an on-staff maintenance coordinator, it's common for HOAs to outsource maintenance needs. Working with an HOA management company is one of the best ways to let experts handle the task of finding the right maintenance resources and coordinating all routine maintenance and other repairs for community facilities.

3. Do Your Research and Analyze Costs vs. the Budget

Like anything else, it's essential to do your research before making a decision. Make sure to read reviews and compare prices before selecting a company.

Remember, the goal is to maintain community areas in excellent condition while staying within your HOA budget. Any reputable company will be willing to work with you on a plan that meets your needs and stays within your budget. By running the numbers, you'll know if an on-site person is ideal or if it's better to outsource maintenance work.

In addition to checking into pricing and available budget dollars, homeowners associations should research the reputation of potential maintenance companies or vendors. Even if a vendor is the right price, make sure they deliver the services you need with high quality before bringing them on board.

4. Interview Multiple Companies

It's important to interview multiple companies before making a decision with budget dollars collected through HOA fees. This will help ensure that you get the best possible service for your homeowners association and community members while maximizing budgets.

When interviewing companies, be sure to ask questions about their experience with HOAs, what type of maintenance they offer, how they handle repairs, and their rates. Also, check into their availability, especially if you have a large community association with multiple structures that require year-round care.

Worker with a tool belt

Taking the time to find the right company now can save headaches (and money) down the road! However, if your HOA board doesn't have the time or resources to conduct research and interview potential companies, a community management company can help! The right experts often have reliable vendors on file that can meet your budget and deliver the services you need to maintain a thriving community.

Work With a Professional Community Association Manager to Handle Maintenance Needs

Managing your condo owners association is a volunteer position, but it can be a lot of work for board members. If your community has aging structures or ongoing maintenance needs, it's time to make sure your HOA has the right help to keep buildings in excellent condition and residents safe and happy!

Trestle Community Management can help your board partner with the best maintenance resources to stay within your budget while delivering excellent service. Let one of our expert community association managers assess your needs and coordinate vendors for repairs and routine maintenance. Reach out soon to learn more about how we serve HOA and condo associations!

Learn more about running a healthy community association with the tips in our free ebook, "Best Practices for HOA Operations: A Checklist."