On August 20, 2021, Governor Jay Inslee amended Proclamation 20-25.15, reinstating Washington State’s mask mandate and outlining restrictions for business and employers. The restrictions went into effect on Monday, August 23rd. Below is a summary of Trestle's response to the restrictions.

How Will Trestle Handle Community Meetings?

Fortunately, the reinstated mask requirements do not affect Trestle’s operations. As Trestle implemented its video conferencing service and a hybrid remote work philosophy in 2019, the firm has been uniquely positioned to continue supporting its Clients without interruption throughout the pandemic.

In order to abide by the restrictions placed on employers and in an effort to protect its Team Members and Client Associations, Trestle Managers and Team Members will continue to attend Board and other community meetings virtually. Trestle understands that some community members may be eager to meet in person and will work with Clients to coordinate those meetings as appropriate and allowed within the restrictions of Washington State and the Client’s County. However, Trestle representatives will attend all community meetings, including those with an in-person option, virtually.

How Will Trestle Handle Walkthroughs with Community Members and Vendors?

Trestle will work to accommodate in-person site walkthroughs with a community member or vendor when remote attendance would unreasonably prevent the continued flow of business. As a precaution and in an effort to meet its obligations to its Team and Clients, these meetings should take place in an outdoor location, be limited to attendance by one Trestle representative and one community member or vendor and both attendees should remain masked at all times.

Is Trestle’s Office Open to Visitors?

In July 2021, Trestle’s Team returned to the office on a limited basis.  Maintaining its hybrid remote work philosophy, the reservable space remains available for Trestle’s Team as needed. To best accommodate visitors, the office is open by appointment only. Through this approach, Trestle can ensure that the appropriate Team Member, such as a designated Community Association Manager or Accounting Team Member, is on hand to assist Board Members, Homeowners, and vendors with their specific needs or inquiry.

Should you need to visit Trestle’s office to conduct business that cannot take place remotely, please work with your Community Association Manager or contact Trestle’s Client Experience Team at (425) 454-6404 to schedule an appointment.