Trestle Community Management today announced that is has implemented a new Architectural Control Committee (ACC) process with integrated Homeowner Portal capabilities. Much like the recently updated Compliance Enforcement Process, this redesigned process fully utilize Caliber’s tracking and reporting capabilities and provides up to date information for Homeowners on the My-Community Web Portal.

“Applying technology and structured processes to make life easier for our Clients, Boards and Owners is a key part of Trestle’s culture,” said Bob Brencic, Trestle President. “This new ACC process will allow owners and ACC Committee Members to very easily request, review and approve modifications to their homes that is unequaled in the greater Puget Sound region.” Through the Homeowner Portal, Homeowners can now prepare and upload their ACC Application as well as any supporting documentation, make notes for the Board or ACC to consider and monitor the status of their request, reviewing copies of any additional correspondence released by the Association. In addition, Board and ACC members can quickly review ACC Applications along with their supporting documents and comment, approve or reject the request through the Portal.

The new process allows letters from the Association to Homeowners to be simultaneously issued via mail and email ensuring notifications are received in a timely manner. The process also ensures that letters issued to Homeowners are clear and use standard and consistent language. In implementing the new process, Trestle thoroughly reviewed and tested existing ACC processes utilized by several of its Clients. Through its due diligence, Trestle has ensured that the letters issued to Homeowners fully comply with each Client’s Governing Documents further protecting both its Clients and its Clients’ Homeowners.

Please contact Bob Brencic, President of Trestle Community Management, at or (425) 454-6404 for additional details.