Trestle Community Management today announced that is has implemented a new compliance enforcement methodology. Trestle has hired a dedicated Compliance Manager to focus specifically on community inspections and the issuance of appropriate notices to keep Client communities looking their best. In addition, Trestle has redesigned its compliance process to fully utilize Caliber’s tracking and reporting capabilities and provide online up to date information for Board Members and Homeowners on the My-Community Web Portal.

“Boards of Directors hire Trestle Community Management to ensure their communities look and are maintained to the standard they set according to their governing documents and desires,” said Bob Brencic, Trestle President. “By deploying and staffing dedicated personnel, procedures and resources uniquely enables Trestle to ensure that happens on a consistent basis.” Trestle’s Compliance Manager serves as a specialist in compliance enforcement. An expert in the revitalized process, she has been trained to inspect community-specific compliance matters, and, as a result of her recurring and ongoing inspections, has been able to rapidly familiarize herself with Client Associations in order to monitor ongoing compliance matters.

The new process also ensures that letters issued to Homeowners are complaint with State statues and use standard and consistent language. Trestle has reworded its letters to serve as an educational tool which clearly outline the next steps in each Client’s enforcement process, as well as the Homeowners’ rights, and resources available. In implementing the new process, Trestle thoroughly reviewed the hearing requirements provided in each State statute with a trusted community association attorney. Through its due diligence, Trestle has ensured that the letters issued to Homeowners fully comply with each Client’s governing documents and the requirements of State law further protecting both its Clients and its Clients’ Homeowners.

The new process also coordinates with Trestle’s recently released My-Community Web Portal. In addition to a wealth of useful resources, the easy to use Portal allows Homeowners to track their compliance history, review notices issued, and examine their community’s governing documents. Furthermore, Board Members may use the Portal to track compliance history and monitor the status of enforcement.

Please contact Bob Brencic, President of Trestle Community Management, at or (425) 454-6404 for additional details.