Many Counties moved into Phase 2 of Washington’s Safe Start plan on June 5th. Under Phase 2, all outdoor recreational activities involving fewer than 5 people from outside of a household may resume.

Many residents may be eagerly awaiting the reopening of open-air common spaces, such as community parks and playgrounds. While the Safe Start plan outlines the earliest these spaces may open, it does not require that they be reopened at the beginning of the phase. Some communities may face unique circumstances which warrant a longer closure of open-air common spaces. Trestle encourages Board Members who believe that an open-air common space in their community should remained closed while the County moves into Phase 2 to work with their Community Association Manager to discuss the decision. As Associations opting to keep elements closed longer than required may receive some push back from Owners, Trestle advises that can be helpful for the community to proactively provide its reopening plan to the community member and consult an attorney if the decision is expected to be particularly contentious.

For communities who plan to reopen open-air common spaces, the State has provided some info graphics which can be printed and displayed onsite. While there are specific guidelines for the reopening of many spaces, the guidelines for open-air common spaces are very limited. Trestle encourages Associations to ensure that residents are aware that they should maintain social distancing and not gather in open-air common spaces at this time. In addition, Washington State recommends and King County requires that people wear masks in any public space where they cannot maintain a 6-foot distance from someone outside of their home.

Trestle will continue to monitor the phased reopening of Washington State and provide additional updates and guidance, as necessary.