Under Washington’s Healthy Washington – Roadmap to Recovery evaluation process, Counties are scheduled to be evaluated every three weeks to determine if any changes will be made to their reopening phase. The Washington Department of Health suggests that Washington’s fourth wave has hit a plateau and in response, Governor Inslee announced a two-week pause on evaluations today.  As a result, Pierce, Cowlitz, Ferry and Whitman Counties remain in Phase 2 with all other Washington State Counties remaining in Phase 3.

Several aspects of the Healthy Washington – Roadmap to Recovery guidance affect Community Associations and therefore, we have prepared general recommendations for communities in both Phase 2 and Phase 3 Counties. Please click here to read our previous announcement for information.

Trestle will continue to monitor the Healthy Washington – Roadmap to Recovery and provide additional details as appropriate. For more information or community-specific guidance, Board Members should contact their Community Association Manager.