Trestle Community Management continues to operate in a near-normal approach during the Coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic with key services and deliverables occurring to normal deadlines.

Trestle's physical office remains open with a skeletal crew to receive US mail, packages and drop off items only.  We ask that you do not physically come in unless it is business essential, in order to protect our Clients and employees. We take steps throughout the day to cleanse common areas and workspaces and maintain proper social distancing to protect our employees and Clients well being. We also look to manage that risk by shifting in-person meetings to video or phone/conference calling meetings which Trestle has excellent capabilities deployed.

Nearly all staff are working remotely from their homes so please make arrangements before coming to our office. Remote work is nothing new to Trestle’s employees as we have had this arrangement in place since early 2019. All Trestle staff are working using the powerful phone and video conferencing system the company deployed for employees in December-2018 and expanded to Board Members in May-2019 which allows Trestle to continue near-normal operation.

Following are some reminders for how Boards can use Trestle’s video and telephone conferencing system to continue progressing your communities during these times by holding virtual Board Meetings.

Trestle's Video and Telephone Conferencing Abilities

As the situation around the Coronavirus (COVID-19) continues to develop, Trestle is uniquely prepared to continue serving our clients in a manner safe for community members and managers alike. Utilizing our video and telephone conferencing software, Trestle Managers may remotely schedule community meetings including Board, Budget Ratification and Annual Meetings. This capability will allow members to attend the meetings and fully participate from the comfort of their own homes. In order to ensure smooth and successful video and telephone meetings, we have prepared access instructions for attendees which can be provided by your community manager in the event that a remote access meeting is scheduled.

Conference Meetings and the Law

Trestle performed extensive research with our legal partners to validate the applicability of virtual conference meetings and the law.  Generally speaking, most communities may hold meetings via a telephone or video conference, or a combination of the two. Often times, older governing documents are silent on the matter of telephone and video conferencing. In that situation, a community should refer to the State Law it was incorporated under. If the applicable State Law is also silent on the matter, the association should refer to the Nonprofit Corporation Act. Currently, the only community association act in Washington which discusses telephone and video conferencing is the Washington Uniform Common Interest Ownership Act (WUCIOA). Associations incorporated after July 1, 2018 or those which have opted in, would be subject to all provisions under WUCIOA. Associations not incorporated under WUCIOA would refer to the Nonprofit Corporation Act.

Per RCW 64.90.445.h and RCW 64.90.445.i (i-ii) of WUCIOA, an association may hold a meeting via video, telephone or a combination thereof and all participants would be considered present. Additionally, under RCW 24.03.075 of the Nonprofit Corporation Act, unless restricted by the community's governing documents, an association may hold a meeting via video, telephone or a combination thereof as long as all participants can hear each other at the same time. Accordingly, unless an association’s governing documents forbid meetings via video or telephone conferencing, an association may proceed in this manner under Washington State Law.

Keep Your Contact Information Current

It is critically important that all owners and Board Members ensure you have provided Trestle with your most current contact information -- cell phones, emails, and occupants in each home.   This will allow us to contact you in case of escalation or emergency to provide relevant information to you concerning your Community Association.  Trestle has deployed a powerful texting and autocall capability that offers immediate contact reach in case of emergency.  Owners can use the Trestle My-Community Web Portal to update their information, send an email to, or call our office at 425-454-6404.

Please contact Bob Brencic, President of Trestle Community Management at or (425) 454-6404 for additional details.