Welcome to the first release of the Trestle Community Management News & Insights newsletter. This newsletter is being sent to Trestle client Board members to keep you up to date on firm happenings, and topics that are important at the time.

Following are several short articles to help Boards through the budgeting season.

Trestle is proud to announce that all calendar fiscal year based Clients have draft budgets in-hand as of September 15th. It is important to approve and hold the annual budget ratification meeting according to your Governing Documents. Your Trestle Community Manager will be diligently working with you to make this happen so you can enjoy the holidays budget meeting free!


Overcoming Common Fee Increase Objections 

It isn’t news most homeowners want to hear:

that assessments will be increased. But sometimes a fee increase is the best way to keep the association in good financial health -- and, sometimes, increases are unavoidable. Here are some of the reactions homeowners typically have when they hear that their fees are about to increase, followed by the related rationales for an increase.



Budget Integrity with Northwest Maintenance Services

In addition to performing common maintenance activities, Northwest Maintenance Services offers several standard service packages. One helpful service for the budgeting process is the Annual Inspection Report to identify, estimate and prioritize maintenance needs for the coming year.




Board Member Fiduciary Responsibilities During Budget Season

During budget and planning season, it is critical for board members to keep  the greater community top of mind, and not how the situation can affect them personally.







Trestle's My-Community Web Portal Provides Always Available Information


My Community Web Portal Example Example My-Community Owner Screen
-- Click on image to view larger size --


As you are evaluating your draft budget and have questions that require further research, remember that Trestle’s My-Community Web Portal houses a wealth of information.  Always available are your communities invoice histories, prior budgets, financials, governing documents, management reports, etc.

Learn More >>








Considering Self-Management to Save Budget?

 Inevitably, there will be those Board members, when considering cost savings, that will contemplate self-management. The annual management expense an Association pays can be one of its highest. However, the management of an Association is a lot like an iceberg. You only see a small portion of it at the surface and it’s what’s under the surface that can sink your ship.


Get The White Paper >>







A Dose of Satire: A Budget Saving Program To Lower Assessments!

This innovative new budgeting approach can actually cut the association’s expenses in half or more, and build a sense of community amongst residents! Here’s how it works…..