With recent recommendations from Governor Jay Inslee that all Washington residents self-quarantine and residents over age 70 self-isolate, as well as the Washington State Department of Health’s recommendation to practice social distancing (maintaining a distance of at least six feet from others), Trestle recognizes that there is an ever-increasing opportunity for community members to support their neighbors. Some community association residents may be unable to leave their homes over the next several weeks. For everyone in Washington, but especially those who live alone, this time may be uniquely challenging.

Trestle's Homeowner Portal available at www.trestlecm.com/my-community/ offers a resident directory which can be used to connect residents during this unprecedented time. To access the directory, owners may log into their account and then select “Resident Directory” on the left-hand side of the screen. The information is private by default, but each homeowner can opt to make their information visible to other homeowners.

Those who would like to update their settings and require assistance with the Portal, are encouraged to contact our office at (425) 454-6404.

To support their neighbors during this time, stay in contact and offer a friendly voice, Trestle encourages all community members to consider reaching out via the public contact information on the Homeowner Portal. Those who can safely visit their neighbors, should consider knocking on their door to check in while maintaining a safe distance, as explained by public health officials.

Trestle thanks everyone for their efforts to care for one another during this unusual time.